Anti-Asian and Home Bias in Economics and Finance Faculty Selection at a Public, R1 Doctoral University Ep. 17 read by the author Linus Wilson

Professor Linus Wilson reads his most recent working paper about Anti-Asian and home bias in faculty selection of economics and finance professors. The full paper can be seen at SSRN. Below is the abstract:

Anti-Asian and Home Bias in Economics and Finance Faculty Selection at a Public, R1 Doctoral University


30 Pages Posted:

Linus Wilson

University of Louisiana at Lafayette – College of Business Administration

Date Written: September 7, 2022


A unique data set from a research faculty search at an R1 doctoral university in the United States finds statistically significant anti-Asian and home (in-state) bias. The data is from applicants’ CVs and interview decisions for a tenure-track economics, finance, or quantitative methods assistant or associate professor search conducted by a public university in 2022. Non-Asian applicants were over four times more likely to obtain final-round interviews than Asian applicants after controlling for other factors. In-state applicants were over six times more likely to get interviews than out-of-state applicants.


Keywords: interview, hiring, higher education, research, faculty, bias, discrimination, hiring, Asian, in-state, home, race, finance, economics, Civil Rights Act of 1964

JEL Classification: G00, J61, J7, J78

Wilson, Linus, Anti-Asian and Home Bias in Economics and Finance Faculty Selection at a Public, R1 Doctoral University (September 7, 2022). Available at SSRN:

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